Bottle#123 Rhea -Lemon Yellow / Royal Blue
Bottle#122 - Poseidon- Bright Magenta / Lime Green
Bottle #00 Spiritual Rescue - Royal Blue/Deep Magenta
Bottle #01 Physical Rescue - Blue/Deep Magenta
Bottle #02 Peace Bottle - Blue/Blue
Bottle #03 Heart Bottle, Atlantean Bottle - Blue/Green
Bottle #04 Sunlight Bottle - Yellow/Gold
Bottle #05 Sunset/Sunrise Bottle - Yellow/Red
Bottle #06 Energy Bottle - Red/Red
Bottle #07 Garden of Gethsemane/Final Test of Faith - Yellow/Green
Bottle #08 Anubis - Yellow/Blue
Bottle #09 Heart within the Heart; Crystal Cave;Transcendental - Turquoise/Green
Bottle #10 “Go Hug a Tree” - Green/Green
Bottle #11 The Essene Bottle 1 - Clear/Pink
Bottle #12 Peace in the New Aeon - Clear/Blue
Bottle #13 Change in the New Aeon - Clear/Green
Bottle #14 Wisdom in the New Aeon - Clear/Gold
Bottle #15 Service in the New Aeon - Clear/Violet
Bottle #16 The Violet Robe - Violet/Violet
Bottle #17 Troubadour 1, The Hope bottle - Green/Violet
Bottle #18 The Egyptian Bottle 1, Turning Tide - Yellow/Violet
Bottle #19 Living in the Material World - Red/Purple
Bottle #20 Star Child - Blue/Pink
Bottle #21 New Beginning for Love - Green/Pink
Pomander Rose Pink
Pomander - Pale Coral /ペール コーラル25ml
Pomander - Original White / オリジナルホワイト 25ml
Pomander - Pink / ピンク25ml
Pomander - Deep Red / ディープレッド 25ml
Pomander - Red / レッド 25ml
Pomander - Coral / コーラル25ml
Pomander - Orange / オレンジ25ml
Pomander - Yellow / イエロー 25ml
Pomander - Gold / ゴールド 25ml
Pomander - Olive Green / オリーブグリーン25ml
Pomander - Emerald Green / エメラルドグリーン
Pomander - Turquoise /ターコイズ
Pomander - Sapphire Blue /サファイア ブルー 25ml
Pomander - Royal Blue / ロイヤルブルー 25ml
Pomander - Violet / ヴァイオレット 25ml
Pomander - Magenta / マジェンタ 25ml
Pomander - Deep Magenta / ディープマジェンタ 25ml
Pomander - Lime Green /ライムグリーン 25ml
Full Set - Pomander Atomisers (18 x2.5ml Vials)
Spelt Replenish 5ml (0.17 fl oz)
Youthful Boost Face Cream 30ml (1.05 fl oz)
TLC Renewal Face Cream 30ml (1.05 fl oz)
Hemp & Hydrate Face Cream 30ml (1.05 fl oz)
Rose Quartz Gua Sha Tool
AEOS Essential Full Set Blue/Pink
Starter Kit Blue/Pink
Cleansing Oil Dé-Maq 100ml (3.4 fl oz)
Dew Facial Wash 50ml (1.7 fl oz)
Gentle Cleansing Lotion Blue/Pink 100ml (3.4 fl oz)
Gentle Exfoliant Blue/Pink 30ml (1.0 fl oz)
Energising Conditioner 30ml (1.0 fl oz)
Refreshing Hydrating Mist 100ml (3.4 fl oz)
Realive Serum 30ml (1.0 fl oz)
Enriching Moisturiser Blue/Pink 50ml (1.7 fl oz)
Beauty Body Shower 200ml (6.8 fl oz)
Organic Cotton Face Cloth (2 piece)
Herbal Face Mask
IRIS #00 Spiritual Rescue - Royal Blue/Deep Magenta
IRIS #01 Physical Rescue - Blue/Deep Magenta
IRIS #02 Peace Bottle - Blue/Blue
IRIS #03 Heart Bottle, Atlantean Bottle - Blue/Green
IRIS #04 Sunlight Bottle - Yellow/Gold
IRIS #05 Sunset/Sunrise Bottle - Yellow/Red
IRIS #06 Energy Bottle - Red/Red
IRIS #07 Garden of Gethsemane/Final Test of Faith - Yellow/Green
IRIS #08 Anubis - Yellow/Blue
IRIS #09 Heart within the Heart; Crystal Cave; Transcendental - Turquoise/Green
IRIS #10 “Go Hug a Tree” - Green/Green
IRIS #11 The Essene Bottle 1 - Clear/Pink
IRIS #12 Peace in the New Aeon - Clear/Blue
IRIS #13 Change in the New Aeon - Clear/Green
IRIS #14 Wisdom in the New Aeon - Clear/Gold
IRIS #15 Service in the New Aeon - Clear/Violet
IRIS #16 The Violet Robe - Violet/Violet
IRIS #17 Troubadour 1, The Hope bottle - Green/Violet
IRIS #18 The Egyptian Bottle 1, Turning Tide - Yellow/Violet
IRIS #19 Living in the Material World - Red/Purple
IRIS #20 Star Child - Blue/Pink
IRIS #21 New Beginning for Love - Green/Pink
IRIS #22 The Rebirther’s Bottle, Awakening - Yellow/Pink
IRIS #23 Love and Light - Rose Pink/Pink