Original Hachi Fen Sui Founder will come to Singapore 12th Jan 2020(in EN&CN) 八智风水原创者为您带来新春佳节
Dear friends in Singapore ,
2020 Chinese New Year is coming!
Are you planning to start new beginnings?
I’m so happy to share good news with all my friends in Singapore. Singapore in particular is known as the "Feng Shui Country", so this time we are organizing a special “Hachi Feng Shui” before Chinese New Year just for you. Everyone probably knows that Feng Shui has a history of 4,000 years. Feng Shui help us to change our living environment to get more luck, better health, loving relationship, and good fortune too. A new year and a new beginning, our special guest’s lecture is given by Japanese famous Feng shui Master, Kanai Tomoko sensei. She is the creator of the “Hachi Feng Shui” with more than 25 years of experience in spiritual work, all around the world.
Master/ Founder Tomoko Kanai
All creatures are affected by their living environment. If we learn how to use Feng shui and energy work to regulate our living area, we can improve our life condition to get even better.
This will be the main topic of this lecture. Master Ms Kanai already has a very good reputation in Japan, she held many successful events where she helped people to change their environment to bring more luck and improve their life.
Hachi Feng Shui is about fate and destiny, how to get lucky enough to have a good fortune and successful life. If you are interested to learn Hachi Feng Shui best practices with Master Ms Kanai, please come to join this lecture, and learn how to bring happiness and good luck to you and your family. Interested parties are welcome to register in advance... We look forward to seeing you. Schedule: January 12th January 2020 (Sunday) Special Promotion Price. (1)10 AM~13PM :Bring your Energy up lecture Price: $ 180 Singapore dollar Limited to 11 people (2) 14 PM~17PM Lecture: Business and Health Promotion Seminar Price: $ 180 Singapore dollar Limited to 11 people Special discount for those who apply for full day session.
(1) Morning lecture S$ 180 + [A] (2) Afternoon Lecture: S$ 180. The discounted price is S$ 320.
Do not miss it!
Application ↓
新加坡的朋友们大家好。 2020年已快来临!! 您是否开始打算2020年里,如何让自己过得丰足的新一年吗? 这一次非常开心能与新加坡的朋友们借此好消息与大家分享。。。。。 2020年对我们来说是一个非常重视的新一年。 尤其是新加坡———称为“风水国”,所以这一次为您举办了新春特别开运企画。 我相信大家大概都知道,风水已有4千年历史了,风水除了让我们居住环境,健康,恋爱,事业和金钱之外,还可以改变人生,为自己带来逢凶化吉,好运连连。。 新的一年新的开始,在这一次讲座的特别来宾来自日本著名风水老师,金井老师。。 让我简易的介绍什么是八智风水的来源。 八智风水的原创者是金井智子老师本人开启的。 她在关于靈性工作经验已经有了25年以上,从一开始在欧美开始学习直到世界各地,拥有长期国外的教育经验。 自古以来,人都是受身边的环境生物影响,只要您懂得如何运用风水和“气”在家里做些和谐调和,您就可以把自己的运气提升得更好。 也就是这一次即将在讲座上分享的。
金井老师在日本是个很好口碑的风水老师 ,在国内也举办了不少活动,帮助了许多人改变人生运气,风水也是讲究“缘”,能和金井老师结下好缘,是件多么开心的事,如果您是有缘的话,欢迎有缘人来参与这一次的讲座,让我们结下好缘,把幸福和好运都带给您和您的家人。。 期待与您见面,有意者,欢迎报名。 日程: 1月12日2020年 (星期日) (3)上午10AM~13PM :全体运气提升讲座 价格:$180新币 限11名 (4)下午14PM~17PM : 事业运和健康运提升讲座 价格:$180新币 限11名 申请多课讲座的您,特别折扣优惠价格 ↓↓↓↓↓ 例如: (1)上午讲座$180+ (2)下午讲座$180 =$360 折扣了价格$320新币
中文口译员 Ms YUKI
申请 ↓
Organizer : THEIA-EL Yoshie