4/29-5/1 AURA-SOMA®️Singapore - Crystal Master Part1 3Days Course (Long weekend)
Connecting to the consciousness of crystals
29th April - 1st May (long weeknd Sat,Sun + Mon public holiday)
3 DAYs in in-person lessons.
12:00-18:00 (Singapore time)
By THEIA-EL Register teacher Yoshie Ajioka-Pace
Where: In Face / Singapore Beach Road
Course Fee: $900 SGD including certificate
The prerequisite: Crystal Introductly ( I can do it before the course if you are not Aura-Soma L1, Essential course, 72Angels course students) , so anyone can join if you love Crystals.
Sign up: mail@theia-el.com
This is the first time to have an Aura-Soma Crystal Master Part1 in-person course in Singapore
"A Crystal is a friend" and we do not use a friend.
In this course, we learn how to connect with crystal Consciousness and work on collective conscious patterns, resolving karma with the being of Earth. We find more love and compassion within ourselves and others and to our mother earth.
There are included many Practical sessions to use Crystals, connecting our 3 starts, Chakra, color and light.
Please join this wonderful opportunity to establish the relationship with Crystals.
We look forward to seeing you in class .
About Aura- Soma Harnessing the vibrational powers of Mother Nature, Aura-Soma is a system of colour, plant, and crystal energies that include highest quality organic and biodynamic botanicals to enhance happiness and vitality. Using bespoke alchemic processes and homeopathic principles, every aspect of the process to create Aura‐Soma products is infused with love and beneficial intention.
Aura-Soma Shire Farm: Heart Chakra
with love & light x
THEAI-EL / Yoshie
Starting THEIA-EL Channel -Youtube
WEB : http://www.theia-el.com/